Tuesday 28 March 2017

Facebook Earn

Facebook Earn

Facebook has an advertising platform that enables you to send in highly targeted traffic.
You can group your target market in terms of interests, online behaviors, age, children or no children etc. And marketing is about finding interested prospects, directing them to your product, and helping them make the purchase.And Facebook allows you to send the traffic to many places including fan pages.
STEP 1: Picking your niche: For some people, this can be one of the hardest steps of the process. You may not know it at first, but your choice can ultimately be the determining factor between failure and success. With that being said, pick a niche that you are passionate about. Keep in mind, you’re going to have to update this fan page on a daily basis; a man that is passionate about hunting won’t want to update a girl’s fashion page on the regular. You can only deliver the right content to your fans if you’re a fan yourself. To sum it all up: pick a specific niche that you’re passionate about with an audience that you can monetize.
STEP 2: Building your fan base: If you’re creating a fan page for the very first time, it’s going to be extremely hard to build up a page without spending money. Of course, if you have another fan page or source of followers, you can always send those fans/followers to your new page. The only kind of fans we want are loyal, REAL, and active fans; people that will like and share our posts. You can BUY FACEBOOK LIKES from quality providers. It’s totally fine to buy likes to trigger your page. You will gain socail proof to be able to become more and more popular. I have tried aroound 4-5 company and see thatl is the one that can set a long collaboration. Facebook likes they provide, of course, are real and help my fan base increase effectively.
STEP 3 - Monetizing your page and Enriching your content: When it is time to start monetizing, don’t forget to keep posting valuable content. If your fan page is just one giant sales pitch, you’ll probably start losing fans by the minute. Here is some ways you can use to enrich your content.

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